Chapter 1
Starting Up
The humble beginnings of my legacy!

Prime example of that while playing in the puddles rather than working on her homestead!
Clara's garden is planted and growing well! She had enough money to salvage a growing station, which really helped with the quality of her produce.
Immediately Clara knew she had to make money somehow, so she picked up a job... as a test subject at the local science lab. Luckily, she was quickly promoted to a lab tech, much better.
Someone clearly thought she was rich since she worked at the science facility, on her second night on her new plot she was burgled! Nothing was actually taken, considering she had nothing to take...
The police took care of that for her, no worries. He beat the woman up and led her away in irons.
The next day, she went to the library to try and learn some skills, maybe meet a few people! And after talking to a few people, she met this handsome young man. Mrow! Meet Aiden!
He works in the science career as well, so he doesn't mind Clara's obsessive garden talk... like some. So they chatted for a while.
Then he drove her home, such a gentleman.
When they got home, he REALLY wanted to go in the garden sprinkler, so he did... just a little odd.
Wanting to spend a little time with the guy, Clara gleefully joined in. Sprinkler fun in the dark in the garden- I do not understand some sims.
The bonding experience worked- both of them got pretty close to one another- dat flirty posture! They talked and flirted for an hour! They really enjoyed each others company. He should come back again some time for some even better fun!
After Aiden left, Clara found a beautiful little Cardinal and named her Isabelle. It'll be good to have some company around here! Oh and those flowers? From Aiden! Such a charmer he is!
Clara spent the majority of the next day just fishing and walking around town, finding seeds and making a little bit of spare cash selling produce.
Until this megaflirt showed up and swept her away! Love is in the air, yet so is a distinct fall chill. Get inside you lovebirds!
Instead of making polite conversation, Clara immediately declared a pillow war! The two went on hitting each other for a good amount of time, I had to break it up.
They both conceded that there were much more interesting things to be doing... if you know what I mean. Things got heated pretty quickly. I tried not to interfere.
Look at that smug smile on his face. He knows whats coming- wait a minute, is that a wedding ring?!?!
Clearly Clara doesn't notice, or simply doesn't care. A night of fun times ensue for the pair!

After some love-making raucous, they for some reason got into their work clothes on the bed. Whatever floats the boat of these two lovers!

Aiden tries to leave, but Clara is having none of it. She definitely wants him to stay the night...

And after getting him back into bed... (literally I did not not do this, she seduced him autonomously back into bed)

He conceded, and decided to stay for the night.

Again, that priceless face of his. The faces Aiden makes are pretty funny, you'll see more.

They got out of bed and decided a little more flirting was in order- literally I could not keep them away from each other. This is when they had a talk- Clara wanted to be with Aiden, and wanted him to leave his spouse Hannah. He agreed!

That is such good news, some cute shy kissing is in order!

Clara decides it's now or never- she gets down on one knee and proposes to the man of her dreams! He graciously accept her proposal- Aiden is overjoyed to have such a loving woman in his life.
They immediatly tie the knot, not having the money to throw a party. (After reinstalling my games I lost pics of that, sorry.)

Aaaand another weirdo Aiden face. Told ya.
To celebrate, they went outside and spent the chilly night watching the stars.
Their first night as husband and wife!

After some love-making raucous, they for some reason got into their work clothes on the bed. Whatever floats the boat of these two lovers!

Aiden tries to leave, but Clara is having none of it. She definitely wants him to stay the night...

And after getting him back into bed... (literally I did not not do this, she seduced him autonomously back into bed)

He conceded, and decided to stay for the night.

Again, that priceless face of his. The faces Aiden makes are pretty funny, you'll see more.

They got out of bed and decided a little more flirting was in order- literally I could not keep them away from each other. This is when they had a talk- Clara wanted to be with Aiden, and wanted him to leave his spouse Hannah. He agreed!

That is such good news, some cute shy kissing is in order!

Clara decides it's now or never- she gets down on one knee and proposes to the man of her dreams! He graciously accept her proposal- Aiden is overjoyed to have such a loving woman in his life.
They immediatly tie the knot, not having the money to throw a party. (After reinstalling my games I lost pics of that, sorry.)

Aaaand another weirdo Aiden face. Told ya.

Their first night as husband and wife!